The Experts in Total Asphalt Maintenance
"Your total asphalt patching & repair contractor in the Minneapolis & St. Paul Area."
Parking Lot Paving in Minneapolis

What Does Sealcoating Cost?

Q: How much does it costs to seal coat?
A: The final cost of sealcoating is determined by several factors

  • Current condition of the asphalt surface – A surface that is free of wide cracks and failed areas will cost less than one that needs extensive crackfilling and patching.
  • Proximity of structures and other sensitive areas – An area free of obstructions can often be sprayed, areas that are close to buildings, plantings etc . . . may require extensive hand rolling which will increase the cost of the project.
  • Current cost of materials – Sealcoat is an oil based product and the cost can vary on the going price at the time of processing, and the time of the year.
  • Square footage – Generally the smaller the square footage, the higher the cost per square foot because of base transportation costs and prep times.

For 10% OFF your pavement maintenance project.
612‐636‐8888 We get 95% of our bids out within 24-48 hours

Professional Asphalt Services, Asphalt, Long Lake, MN

Why Professional Asphalt?

When sealcoating your lot, we do everything we can to make sure you remain open for business:

  • If you have an office building, we schedule our work on the weekends.
  • If retail, we work as much as possible early in the morning and block off just the sections we are working on.

What causes asphalt to breakdown?

  • Normal Wear
    • After time, sunlight, traffic, snow plowing, sand, and salt will break down the asphalt surface.

Proper maintenance will double the life of your pavement.

Seal Coating 2-3 years

  • Prevents asphalt fading
    • As surface oils oxidize, the surface begins fading to a gray and hairline cracks may accure.

Crack Filling 2-3 years

  • Prevents Crack Expansion
    • A small hairline crack will widen during the normal thawing and freezing of spring


  • Inspection & Care
    • Regular inspection helps spot and address any issues before they become expensive repairs.

    • Keeping the surface free of dirt and other debris through sweeping will help extend the life of the asphalt surface.

What causes asphalt to breakdown?

Normal Wear

After time, sunlight, traffic, snow plowing, sand, and salt will break down the asphalt surface.

Proper maintenance will double the life of your pavement.

Seal Coating 2-3 years

Prevents Asphalt Fading and Cracking

As surface oils oxidize, the surface begins fading to a gray and hairline cracks may accure.

Crack Filling 2-3 years

Prevents Crack Expansion

A small hairline crack will widen during the normal thawing and freezing of spring.



Keeping the surface free of dirt and other debris will help extend the life of the asphalt surface.

Call us today at 612‐636‐8888
if you have questions or would like
a custom quote

Professional Asphalt Serrvice Inc